Complexity Management Strategies for the 21st Century
to Transform Uncertainty Into Opportunity

What if Making the Hard Calls Was Your Forte?

Imagine being the guy your team can rely on to get them out of those sticky situations -

Those times when shit's hit the fan.

When you've come to an important crossroads, and nobody can name the sure path to take.

When you need to make a decision quickly, and you can't be confident it's the right one. 

Are you prone to overthinking when it seems like there are simply too many variables to consider?

Do you hate indecisiveness, or seeing people unsure of themselves when they should just make a decision? 

Do you ever feel like the choices you make are placing you on a trajectory you don’t quite understand, that you never really chose?

Hold Yourself to a Higher Standard.

Our ancestors were masters of handling complexity and ambiguity.

They lived in a world that was harsh, unknowable and utterly incomprehensible to them. 

People would die, and nobody would understand why or how. 

Trees, fruit, and sunlight would decay and be denied to us for months of the year.

Nature would give, and it would take. And it would do so incredulously. 

The workings of man’s world were hidden to him for most of that dark history, and the blessings and curses we gained or suffered were as attributable to an arbitrary sacred stone as they were to the animal totem. 

We never knew what was going on.

 We never confidently knew where our decisions would lead us.

 We never could predict what was around the corner.

Yet we still survived. We still flourished.

What Have We Forgotten?

The limits of my language means the limits of my world”  - Ludwig Wittgenstein

With the advent of agrarian, industrial and finally technological civilization, our connection with the messy uncertainty of the natural world has slowly been replaced with the clean straight lines of reason.

We have erected square walls around us that provide certainty and security, at the cost of our exposure to the mystery and opportunity that lay just beyond them.
Those messy challenges we yearn to continually return to.

As the world has refined our skills and fragmented our responsibilities, we have lost our ability to deal with the complex uncertainty of the real world: 

- Instead of relying on our intuition, we wait for someone to tell us what to do.

- Instead of trusting our team, we micromanage and embarrass one another with convoluted accountability systems.

- Instead of being fascinated and creative with information, we regiment ourselves to dusty corners of routine specialization.

Instead of plunging fearlessly into the messy world, we seek to organize and structure it so it ‘makes sense’ to us.

Instead of embracing the risk that bisects every major opportunity, we cower behind the false safety of a seemingly straight path.

A Management Strategy for the 21st Century.

The history of the 20th century was the history of our return to complexity, and our horror at that fact.

What has laid hidden behind the safety of our walls over the last thousand years has made itself known again. The messy reality of the world, it's incomprehensibility, our infinitude, have all been revealed again. 

With the old ways forgotten through our self-imposed institutionalization, we've had to look for new strategies for managing complexity and uncertainty. 

And our best bet seems to have come from someone named Colonel John Boyd.

Boyd was the greatest military strategist of the 20th century. For those who have studied his theories, his name is tossed around in the same sentences as Sun Tzu and Carl Von Clausewitz.

What Boyd left behind was a concept that he called The OODA Loop.

I Want To Offer You An Insight Into The Complexity Of Our Modern World.

Imagine being the guy your team can rely on to get them out of those sticky situations -

Those times when shit's hit the fan.

When you've come to an important crossroads, and nobody can name the sure path to take.

When you need to make a decision quickly, and you can't be confident it's the right one. 

Are you prone to overthinking when it seems like there are simply too many variables to consider?

Do you hate indecisiveness, or seeing people unsure of themselves when they should just make a decision? 

Do you ever feel like the choices you make are placing you on a trajectory you don’t quite understand, that you never really chose?

Ready to find out how you can better manage complexity and turn uncertainty into opportunity? Click below to find out more.

I Have Been Using These Concepts For Over 5 Years.

I’ve been implementing these strategies for over 5 years in my personal projects and with the clients I’ve worked with. 

It’s the same principles and strategies for cutting through complexity I’ve used to grow a software business 300% in 6 months tk, and the same ideas behind my marketing strategy that launched my first book to the top of the Amazon best-seller list with an email list of only 100 people.

I’ve spent the last four years obsessed with how we can better cope with the changes occuring in the world today, and I’ve searched far and wide to cover strategies from virtually every source imaginable -

- 20th Century Military Strategy
- Complexity Science
- Quantitative Methods and Data Science
- Investing and Trading Tactics
- Principles used to grow some of the world’s biggest startups.

This is the best collection of modern ideas for making the hard decisions and pushing at the frontier where so few venture.

"(Working with Taylor) ultimately led to what I am doing now, which is running a million-dollar startup."

Russ Perry

Design Pickle

The biggest benefit (of working with Taylor) has been getting out of my own head, re-correcting in terms of direction, and getting back on the path.

(Taylor is) very grounding, logical, calm – whenever I freak out about something that doesn’t matter

…And just general strategy in terms of where we are going, is this the right decision made, what is the opportunity cost of such decision, what is the opportunity cost and how do we get there.

Jock Purtle

Digital Exits

What Exactly Do I Learn With
Decision Making In An Uncertain World?

INTRODUCTION: Managing Complexity

with the OODA Loop


Module 1: An Overview of OODA

  • How Boyd's revolutionary military strategy provides the perfect framework for understanding how to manage complexity and uncertainty
  • We'll be going through an OODA Loop "Deep Dive" to give you the perfect foundation for the rest of the course.

Module 2: The Core Attributes

  • How Boyd's key concepts of Schwerpunkt, Creation and Destruction, Fingerspitzengefuhl and Einheit make or break your implementation of the concept
  • Learn what you need to do in order to take your application of the OODA Loop to the next level. 


Module 3: Applying the OODA Loop: INPUTS and OUTPUTS

  • You'll understand the conceptual framework we'll be using over the next two parts that will arm you with the knowledge you need to fit all these strategies together.
  • Learn the difference between Inputs and Outputs, and why Boyd's core attributes are some of the most important parts of managing complexity.

INPUTS: Focusing & Filtering Information


Module 4: Understanding Compression Progress

  • Discover how Artificial Intelligence research arrived at a huge insight in how we can better process information and learn more efficiently.
  • Understand Nassim Taleb's 'Rational Flanuer', and how this can be an effective model for understanding opportunity.

Module 5: Understanding Punctuated Equilibrium

  • Find out what Darwin got wrong about evolution, and how you can profit from his mistake to plan better over the long term.
  • Learn why the time you spend in your garage on the weekends is likely to be some of the most important time of your whole week.


Module 6: Destroying Sacred Cows 

  • Find out what 'Sacred Cows' are, and how they are causing you to have limited beliefs and make poor decisions.
  • Discover the principles used by billionaire investor Ray Dalio that ensure he stays in touch with reality and maintains a team he can trust with anything.

Module 7: Creating Mental Models 

  • Learn about Warren Buffett's silent right-hand man Charlie Munger, and his advice for learning about the world in order to better understand new information.
  • Find out how you can build a 'latticework of mental models' that will both improve your creativity and make your decision making more reliable.

OUTPUTS: Mastering Fast Transients
with Intuition & Surprise


Module 8: Understanding Margins and Fat Tails 

  • Discover two simple statistical models that will instantly improve your understanding of hard-to-measure events.
  • Find out how a recording artist utilized 'Fat Tails' to more than double their album sales and how you can apply it to your life.

Module 9: Exploiting Legibility and the Illegible Margin 

  • Discover the blunder that almost destroyed Germany's forestry industry, and the common mistake behind it that you'll come to recognise everywhere
  • Gain a deep insight into complexity and what we know doesn't work when it comes to attempting to manage it.


Module 10: Understanding The 70% Rule 

  • Find out how Mark Zuckerberg's famous dictum of 'Move Fast and Break Things' applies to more than just billion-dollar tech startups.
  • Learn how our incorrect perceptions of risk render us ineffective and unable to act out our full potential, and how we can counteract it.

Module 11: Speed of Implementation 

  • Find out about the 'Law of Shitty Clickthroughs', and how this applies to a lot more in life than just internet marketing.
  • Learn why our evolutionary ancestors made us a poor fit for the reality of decision making today, and what we need to do to correct it.

Select Your Package Below:


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Lifetime Access


1 User

Lifetime Access


If you aren't happy with the product for any reason, I don't want you to pay for it. 

If you don't take away at least one tactic that improves your ability to make better decisions or deal with uncertain circumstances, you will get your money back - no questions asked. 

For 50 bucks, would you open yourself to the opportunity to learn even one skill that will make your life easier?

It's a small overhead, zero risk, and unlimited potential.

Consider this your first exercise in plunging yourself into uncharted territory. What have you got to lose?

What You'll Receive:

A 3-Module Video Masterclass

That provides an overview then walk you through the system step-by-step. Each video has accompanying Notes, audio, and a transcript so you can focus on absorbing the material.

Complete Audio Version

That provides an overview then walk you through the system step-by-step. Each video has accompanying Notes, audio, and a transcript so you can focus on absorbing the material.

Formatted PDF Version

That provides an overview then walk you through the system step-by-step. Each video has accompanying Notes, audio, and a transcript so you can focus on absorbing the material.

Select Your Package Below:


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Lifetime Access


1 User

Lifetime Access

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I don’t want anyone to join who’s not 100% clear on what I’m offering. If you still have questions, I’d like to know.

Just drop a note in the chat window and we'll get back to you ASAP.