Everyone won’t shut up about blockchains and Bitcoin. Is the hype justified? Should I invest in it? Why should I care? How will blockchain affect me, my family and my community? How should I think about it and what, if anything, should I do to prepare?
As with any new major technology, Bitcoin and the blockchain will create winners and losers. Those that understand the technology and where it is going will stand to benefit while those who ignore it may live to regret it.
Countless books, think pieces and explanations have been written on blockchain, yet almost no one (except that hardcore Libertarian friend that won’t stop posting on Facebook about how he bought Bitcoin for $200 and you should have listened) really seems to get it.
Markets are Eating the World will give you a map to understand the logic of blockchains. It won’t tell you exactly what trail to walk down, but will give you the tools you need to evaluate how it will impact you.
#1 Amazon Bestseller in Business and Money, Small Business, Entrepreneurship and International Economics
A Top 3 ‘Start Your Own Business’ Book – Inc Magazine
The rapid development of technology and globalization has changed the leverage points in accumulating wealth: money, meaning and freedom.
Those that don’t adapt are becoming trapped in the downward spiral of a dying middle class – working harder and earning less.
Entrepreneurs that understand the new paradigm, have created unprecedented wealth in their lives and the lives of those they love.
The End of Jobs combines the broad history of a Sapiens, the latest science of a Thinking Fast and Slow, the entrepreneurial oomph of a Rich Dad, Poor Dad or Zero to One with the motivational push of a Tony Robbins.