2015 was my best reading year yet. Partially because I discovered a handful of authors and influential books I expect I’ll be tracking for years to become.
However, my biggest reading win was that I broadened my perspective from the business-book-only approach I took in 2013 and 2014 to a lot of adjacent domains: writing, investing, science, finance, sociology, and military strategy among others.
2015 was also my best year in business. I don’t believe the two are coincidental. Many business books encourage narrow thinking: using your scarce time and energy chasing marginal gains instead of looking for big wins in the “adjacent possible.” The adjacent possible, a theory from Steven Johnson’s book, Where Good Ideas Come From, is the idea that your next big breakthrough is probably in an industry just outside your own.
Bill Gates shares an example:
“In the 1870s, a French doctor, Stephane Tarnier, saw incubators for chicken hatchlings at the Paris Zoo and hired the zoo’s poultry-raiser to build incubator boxes for premature newborns at his hospital.”
A zoo is not an entirely random domain for a doctor, they’re both taking care of living creatures, but different enough to bring in a fresh big idea. If you’ve been focused on business books to the exclusion of everything else, here are ten impactful books to start exploring your adjacent possible.
Liar’s Poker and The Big Short by Michael Lewis – “Lewis is God” was the one line response I got to an email I sent a friend about Michael Lewis’s recent article in Vanity Fair. Malcolm Gladwell has called Lewis “the finest storyteller of our generation” and I have to agree. The storytelling in this duo masterfully illustrate the absurdity that is Wall St. They are two (of very few) honest accounts about how high finance works: mostly through backchannels and it’s most profitable products: functional embezzlement, fraud and theft.
Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott – A delightful discourse on writing and the lessons it can teach us about life. Lamott’s insightful use of analogy and metaphor had me smiling and laughing the whole time I read and and taught me a lot about writing as a craft and what it means to be a writer. Here’s a taste “E. L. Doctorow once said that ‘writing a novel is like driving a car at night. You can see only as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.’ You don’t have to see where you’re going, you don’t have to see your destination or everything you will pass along the way. You just have to see two or three feet ahead of you.”
Waking Up by Sam Harris – The subtitle “Spirituality without Religion” pretty much sums it up though “Spirituality without the woo-woo” would be an apt subtitle as well. Harris combines his neuroscience PhD with decades spent meditating to explore questions such as: What does it mean to be “spiritual but not religious?” Is there a neuroscientific basis for the self? What does the latest research in neuroscience tell us about spirituality? What is the nature of consciousness?
What Technology Wants By Kevin Kelly – Kevin Kelly is a technology savant. In What Technology Wants, Kelly frames technology as a force which was born in the Big Bang and traces it forward to present day, identifying the characteristics of the force as revealed by it’s history and projecting a vision for where it will lead us in the future. The chapter on how the Amish relate to technology (test everything for second and third order effects before adopting it wholesale) is both memorable and practical.
Status Anxiety by Alain De Botton – My first Alain de Botton book and one which will lead me into more of his back catalog over the next few years. The premise of Status Anxiety is that it’s only as the West has become more meritocratic over the past couple centuries (and particular the past couple decades), status anxiety has become more and more oppressive. He quotes from a 16th century French author who used the metaphor of a human body to describe society – The king is the head, the army the hands, the serfs the feet. Under this metaphor, no serfs felt anxious for being serfs. Feet don’t become hands, they’re born feet and they stay that way.
However, the modern career ladder has created the notion of mobility. If Oprah can go from a impoverished, painful childhood to being “Oprah,” it suddenly creates anxiety in everyone else – “It’s possible and I’m not doing it so there’s something wrong with me.” In the second half of the book, De Botton proposes ways to redefine status and escape the catch-22 – bohemia, art, philosophy, politics and religion. It struck me that most of the people I know have solved status anxiety by simply redefining it in a new way. Driving a cheap car and baselining to reinvest in your business the first few years is high status among most of my friends.
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn – This is the book which inserted the now-cliche term “paradigm shifting” into the popular lexicon. Kuhn examines how great advances in Science actually occur and why most people doing science aren’t working on anything that could actually lead to meaningful progress. Along with reading The Organization Man, this book really solidified in my mind the importance (and difficulty) of seemingly radical individualism and contrarian-ism to big breakthroughs.
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari – A delightfully irreverent history of humanity. Harari starts the book by framing all previous histories of humanity written as extraordinarily self-aggrandizing because they’ve all been written by humans. What would it look like if another species wrote a human history?
Harari proceeds to march through a history of homo sapiens opening cans of worms and dropping them for consideration along the way: Nazism is a more evolved humanism, there’s a stronger-than-popularly-believed scientific basis for racism, and colonialism was inseparable from the progress made by the Scientific Revolution.
What I Learned Losing a Million Dollars by Jim Paul and Brendan Moynihan – I’ve heard both Tim Ferriss and Nassim Taleb recommend this as a must-read book for any investor. Moynihan traces the story of an Jim Paul who built up millions through a series of fortunate outcomes and proceeded to lose it all by believing he was smarter than the market.
Paul and Moynihan use the story to teach the margin matrix: difference between right (it made money) and correct (it was a smart investment).
Certain to Win by Chet Richards – Chet Richards was a student of John Boyd, the U.S. air force colonel who changed the way the Department of Defense thought about military strategy post WWII when large, powerful armies suddenly started falter again small, insurgent forces (The US in Vietnam and USSR in Afghanistan being two examples).
Boyd wrote the new rules of warfare and Chet Richards spent his career translating them into business. In Certain to Win, he lays out those new rules, explaining why “small is the new big” and how business leaders can adopt the principles that the U.S. military has used to successfully combat insurgent forces.
The Defining Decade by Meg Jay – Most Baby Boomers got married young, started careers young and have pushed their kids to “not rush” as a way to avoid some of the mistakes they feel they made. Jay argues that trend has gone too far and that by not getting serious about your health, career and relationships until your thirties has profound long term implications. What you do in your 20s will compound for the rest of your life, making it the “defining decade” of your life. I smugly breezed through the “take your career seriously” and “go to the gym” chapters until the relationship chapter hit me like a brick to the face and caused me to get serious about companionship as part of a meaningful life and a skill set that has to be cultivated.
Did you read anything in the past year that had a big influence on you? Let me know in the comments, I’m always looking for recommendations!
Last Updated on July 30, 2019 by Taylor Pearson
Niche Modern says
Tyler, methinks you meant to say “Department of Defense” but maybe “Department of Dense” is more accurate and more humorous…
Taylor Pearson says
LOL – Freudian slip 🙂
Liz Froment says
Loved that quote by Doctorow in Bird By Bird, really stuck out to me as well.
Taylor Pearson says
that whole book is delightful. I couldn’t stop smiling!
Liz Froment says
I’m about a third of the way through, loving it so far.
baldarab says
“Essentialism” by Greg McKeown, read alongside James Wallman’s “Stuffocation”. Books about less, which ironically could have been shorter, but have a strong message in terms of why less is more, and which I’ve been gradually applying. Good on theory, on impact, and then on practical advice to do it. Probably a nice complement to your de Botton recommendation.
My only caveat is that it’s harder with a family. Like many lifestyling books, they are aimed at the bachelor man making his way, and less so in real practical terms for one with a spouse and children in tow (perhaps there’s niche worth exploring), but nonetheless, very useful.
Finally, as a passing note, I loved Sam Harris’s “Free Will” which did a great job of reconciling biological determinism with some sense of optimism that this needn’t make all effort at independent thought and actions worthless!
Taylor Pearson says
Re: families – There’s definitely a niche worth exploring there. Have been thinking about how to talk more about families doing this stuff (there are plenty, they’re just quiet!).
Will add Stuffocation and Free Will to my lists, thanks!
What I Learnt on Wall Street says
Great stuff Taylor. My favorites this year were ‘Pebbles of Perception’ by Laurence Endersen and ‘The One Thing’ by Gary Keller. Of the ones you mentioned, I thought ‘What I Learned Losing a Million Dollars’ was really well written and had an important message.
Thank you
Taylor Pearson says
I really like The One Thing too! Will add Pebbles of Perception to my list! Thanks 🙂
Chris says
nothing wrong if you identify with the concepts and explanations provided by the author:
“I smugly breezed through the “take your career seriously” and “go to the
gym” chapters until the relationship chapter hit me like a brick to the
face and caused me to get serious about companionship as part of a
meaningful life and a skill set that has to be cultivated.”
There are dozens of people who it very differently. Some are very happy, healthy, and successful by marrying young while others are as happy and healthy when they get married and have children at 60. I think it’s how well you optimize your approach. Herd-like-thinking may not be wise to follow. Just my $0.02
Taylor Pearson says
Of course everyone gets to make their own choices :). Sometimes I find I make choices though without really understanding the long term, second and third order implications of those choices though and she does an excellent job of playing out those scenarios
Stan Leloup says
I recently picked up Josh Waitzkin’s “Art of Learning” and I loved it.
Most books on learning focus on 80/20 (ala Tim Ferriss) but this one asks a different question : What’s the difference between a good performer and the best ?
Actionnable and unusual concepts wrapped in an engaging story – and written by an author with undeniable chops.
Taylor Pearson says
Thank you! I think the good to great question is actually more interesting. You may be the tenth person that has told me how good that book is. Need to work on my reading prioritization skills.
James Phillips says
I read Certain to Win on Venkat’s recommendation earlier this year and loved it, especially since it’s almost directly applicable to my job. I’ve got two other members of my team at work reading it. It’ll be interesting to see if we can put a team together that operates according to the principles Richards lays out in his book. If you’re looking to go deeper down the John Boyd rabbit hole, I just finished reading Osinga’s Science, Strategy, and War…his attempt to provide a written explanation of all of John Boyd’s briefings. Blew my mind…so many implications across disciplines.
Taylor Pearson says
I’m not nearly as deep down the Boyd rabbit hole as I’d like to be. His biography has been on my too read list for a couple years. I will add Osinga as well. My sense is that we are still very, very early in the dissemination of Boyd’s work and the long term impact will be tremendous.
James Phillips says
Reading Osinga, I had a lot of fun drawing parallels between Boyd’s theories on different kinds of systems, Taleb’s ideas on antifragility, Munger’s ideas on mental models, and Kahneman’s Thinking Fast and Slow. It seems a handful of people stumbled onto the same problem, but in completely different domains.
I finished Coram’s biography a couple of months ago. It’s a great read. It doesn’t dive real deep into any of the implications of Boyd’s work, but it does give you an idea of the impact that Boyd had when he was alive. Being born in the late 1980s, I had no idea there was a military reform movement after Vietnam.
Juan says
Hi James , is there something writen you can share about the parallels you draw mentioned here . Thanks
James Phillips says
I haven’t come across anything comparing the ideas of all those authors at the same time. I have a couple of essays that are half written, but mostly it’s just the notes I scribbled in the margins of the book as I read it.
Do you think there would actually be an interested audience for that topic?
Juan says
I’ve just got my hands on Osinga’s book.Being from Argentina I didn’t have a clue on the implications of Boyd’s work. Of course there is an audience , contact me on linked in- Juan Viera.
Ed says
Hey Taylor, I stumbled on your website and I’m loving the wealth of info. You’ve probably already read “How to Win Friends & Influence People” and “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”…but just in case you’ve missed them, I found both books to be transformative and inspirational.
Taylor Pearson says
Thanks Ed! I like both of those as well 🙂
David Petersen says
chiming in…thanks TP, here’s my 2016 reading to-do’s: read “What I Learned Losing a Million Dollars”, and on this topic re-read Khaneman’s “Thinking Fast and Slow”, and I recomment to all Lowenstein’s “When Genius Failed”
Taylor Pearson says
Ooh, Have not heard of Lowenstein and I love Wall St. histories – adding it to my list!!
You’ll like both Kahneman and What I Learned. Kahneman is a SLOG though. His book is easily 20 pop psychology books worth of ideas.